AAP Position Paper on Scanning From 1994

You probably know by now The AAP is Suing Google “over its plans to digitally copy and distribute copyrighted works without permission of the copyright owners.”
I was digging around for something else last night and ran across something interesting, from 1994: “AAP Position Paper on Scanning“.Their conclusion (11 years ago):

“The AAP recognizes that there are acceptable uses of
scanning technology. We are concerned, however, that many of the
activities for which scanning is now being used are not among
them, but are instead infringements. The very attributes of
simplicity, rapidity, fidelity, and breadth of distribution and
display that attract users to scanning are hallmarks of its
potential to devastate the creative works that are the subject of
the scanning. They are also indicators that scanning of
copyrighted works, if undertaken without permission, is usually
illegal. For this reason, individuals and organizations using
scanning technology are urged to exercise caution to ensure
respect for the copyright law, and to educate themselves and
their patrons, students, faculty and other users.”