A Librarian’s favourite Music

Godfrey Oswald writes
Sometimes during my long quiet hours cataloguing books at work in a
library, I listen to my CDs as I catalog, to keep me from getting

Like most librarians, I am obsessed with cataloguing or rather
compiling and organising anything I come across, no matter how
trivial. Since the begining of 2004 I have been converting all my CDs
into Mp3s. I have now posted some of the ones I have converted so far.

I am eager to find out what kind of music other catalogues listen to
while cataloguing in libraries.

My own Mp3s are at:


When you get to the site, click on the box called: “Librarians’s Mp3s”

Enjoy. And YES!!… Librarians do listen to music!

Do remember to let me know which kind of music you listen to if you are a cataloguer.