A Housekeeping Note

Posted by request of the Producer at Erie Looking Productions, Gloria Kellat:

As a reminder, the LISNews Bulletin will be released at Computers in Libraries 2010. Blake will be giving out copies at no cost to those receiving them as this is a market test to see whether or not there might be interest in a continuing print serial. Although Blake will be giving copies away, the printing cost remains real. We have a patron page in which for USD$10 you will be listed with your chosen affiliation statement in recognition of your support. We already had one benefactor throw down and show their support. To make this happen we need others who are brave enough to stand up as well. Send USD$10 with your name and affiliation via PayPal to [email protected] by April 5th. I will ensure that thank you notes are sent to benefactors but must stress that while such donations can come from anywhere on the planet they are not tax-deductible.