A Good Time for Great Books

Lee Hadden writes “A Good Time for Great Books

There is a good article on bioehtics and great books in the Wall
Street Journal, April 18, 2003

To the debate over science and man’s destiny the President’s Council on Bioethics has
just added its own contribution: a booklist that reaches beyond science to include everything
from a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins and excerpts from the Book of Job to the first
three chapters of sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson’s memoir. Also included is a
Nathaniel Hawthorne story (“The Birth-Mark”) — the same story with which Dr. Leon
Kass, the council’s chairman, opened the council’s first meeting in January 2002. The
selections, which include introductions and sample study questions, are all
accessible by clicking the “bookshelf” section on the council Web site.

Read more about it at: WSJ.com (subscription required).

Lee Hadden writes “A Good Time for Great Books

There is a good article on bioehtics and great books in the Wall
Street Journal, April 18, 2003

To the debate over science and man’s destiny the President’s Council on Bioethics has
just added its own contribution: a booklist that reaches beyond science to include everything
from a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins and excerpts from the Book of Job to the first
three chapters of sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson’s memoir. Also included is a
Nathaniel Hawthorne story (“The Birth-Mark”) — the same story with which Dr. Leon
Kass, the council’s chairman, opened the council’s first meeting in January 2002. The
selections, which include introductions and sample study questions, are all
accessible by clicking the “bookshelf” section on the council Web site.

Read more about it at: WSJ.com (subscription required).