August 2007

Librarian works to save Iraq’s books, archives

Gail Walker likens the destruction of Iraq’s National Library and Archives to the obliteration of the Library of Congress, or the Smithsonian Institution.

Walker, district librarian for Carrollton Exempted Village Schools for 25 years, is on a mission to bring attention to the plight of a distant colleague, Saad Eskander, director of the Iraq National Library and Archives.

“I wanted to send out a ‘message in a bottle’ of sorts,” she said.

Rockers won’t be shushed on nationwide public library tour

Singer-guitarist Josh Malerman is hitting the books again, and it has nothing to do with studying.

“I’m sitting outside the library in Carson City right now,” he said enthusiastically by phone from Nevada this week. “They’ve got an Alfred Hitchcock festival going on. It’s fantastic.”

Later, the library would serve as host for a rock ‘n’ roll show, and Malerman’s hyperkinetic trio, the High Strung, would headline – another stop on the Detroit garage-rock group’s improbable National Public Library Tour. For the third consecutive summer, Malerman and bandmates Chad Stocker and Derek Berk are turning libraries into places to be rocked, not shushed.

Library workers refuse to be quiet in equal-pay fight

Another really bad headline: “Library workers refuse to be quiet in equal-pay fight” You can take the librarians out of the library, but you can’t stop them from knowing the answers to your questions.

On the picket lines for the first time in their 77-year history, Vancouver library workers have turned their knowledge into a one-stop information booth for tourists and residents.

“Just keep going four blocks down this street. The Chapters is on your left,” picket captain Peter DeGroot advised one slightly lost pedestrian this week.

“The bus stop is on that side.”

Can you REALLY judge a book by its cover?

I like This Little Post From The Marginal Revolution blog: “I saw this and thought I should buy the book — Kate Christensen’s novel The Great Man — just because I liked the cover. As an experiment, I deliberately did not scan the contents or read the blurbs on the back. The title isn’t very descriptive either. I then bought the book.

My thought was this: presumably the publisher designs the cover to appeal to people who will spread favorable word of mouth about the book.”

Car Runs Into Library Wall

Car Runs Into Library Wall: An elderly couple’s car ran into the Essex town library Sunday, startling people inside but causing no major injuries or damage, a library worker said.

The car hit the front brick wall of the building about 2 p.m., coming within a few feet of a large picture window, said Jenny Tripp, an employee of the library’s adult services section.

Teen hacks ‘useless’ Australian Govt porn filter

A Melbourne teenager who has managed to circumvent the Federal Government’s internet pornography filter has described it as “completely useless“. “I downloaded it on Tuesday to see how good it was, because for $84 million I would have expected a pretty unbreakable filter,” he said.

“Tried a few things, it took about half an hour and [the filter] was completely useless.”

Mr Wood described the situation as “extremely ridiculous”.

More Laptop Lewdness (St. Paul, MN)

Anonymous Patron writes “Well, at least this one apparently didn’t pull porn past the filter or tote it in with him, but what he was accused of doing is quite disgusting enough, thank you.

From the Pioneer Press:

The library’s website indicates they have Wi-Fi so it’s likely he was using it, and since the other party to the chat was believed to be over 18 it looks like he’ll get off with a misdemeanor. Frankly, however, I wouldn’t mind if they found a way to turn the heat on him up a notch or two since there were children present.

And I’m hoping this sort of thing doesn’t begin serving to cool the enthusiasm for expanding wireless access in public libraries. Once again, are any of you here seeing things like this happening locally?”

Historical blog from Sandusky Library

Anonymous Patron writes “This is the blog from the Archivist of the Sandusky Library (I am just a member of the Reference Services staff who contributes to it.) We’re a blog dedicated to the discussion of topics relating to the history of Sandusky and Erie County, Ohio; inspired by the collections of the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center and Follett House Museum. A service of the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center.”

Thomson Scientific releases Endnote X1 for Mac OS X

Shane sent over Word That Thomson Scientific today announced the availability of EndNote XI for Mac OS X, the bibliographic management software used by millions of researchers, librarians and students. EndNote XI introduces custom groups to view and manage subsets of references, AppleScript compatibility for key EndNote tasks, seamless connectivity with EndNote Web to simplify collaboration with colleagues, and more.