2004 Berman Award for Social Responsibility

Anonymous Patron writes “2004 Berman Award for Social Responsibility in Library Services

The Berman Award Committee is pleased to announce the joint recipients of the 2004 Sanford Berman Award for Social Responsibility in Library Services.

Nong Lee and Tammy Pineda, Outreach Liaisons to the Hmong and Spanish-speaking communities for Hennepin County Library, share this year’s award for their work bringing information about the resources of the public library to new immigrants and Non-English speakers.

Anonymous Patron writes “2004 Berman Award for Social Responsibility in Library Services

The Berman Award Committee is pleased to announce the joint recipients of the 2004 Sanford Berman Award for Social Responsibility in Library Services.

Nong Lee and Tammy Pineda, Outreach Liaisons to the Hmong and Spanish-speaking communities for Hennepin County Library, share this year’s award for their work bringing information about the resources of the public library to new immigrants and Non-English speakers.
The award was established in 1999 to honor
Sanford Berman, head cataloger in the Hennepin
County Library system for 26 years. It is
presented annually by AFSCME Locals 2822 [Support

  Services and Associate Librarians] and 2864
[Librarians] to a library employee who has made
a unique and invaluable contribution to the
community-at-large through his/her work in
Hennepin County Library.

Nong Lee and Tammy Pineda have organized
bilingual computer classes, cultural
celebrations, and early literacy programs for
new immigrant families. They have partnered
with librarians to do bilingual storytimes
and formed connections with childcare providers
through work on the Children’s Readmobile.

Both Nong and Tammy have represented the library
at resource fairs and social service provider
meetings, establishing partnerships and
relationships with agencies and underserved
communities on the local level, but both
have also become involved in advocacy
at the state and national level
in a variety of forums.

They have spoken to immigrant families about
the power of libraries, and listened to those
communities tell their stories about what they
need from their libraries. They have been
instrumental in helping build
Hmong and Spanish collections and resources
in our libraries and on the web, and in
building increased capacity
of the library to serve the underserved through
their contributions to the library’s Diversity
Steering Committee.

Nong Lee and Tammy Pineda are this year’s Berman
Award winners because they are passionate and
skillful advocates, at every level, for increased
access to resources for those who are not
traditional library users.

The work they do honors the legacy of Sandy
Berman by insuring that the public library
remains basic in the progressive tradition of
providing new immigrants, the under-served and
the disenfranchised with tools for a better life.

AFSCME Locals 2822 and 2864 are hosting a
reception to honor Lee and Pineda at the
Ridgedale Library on Friday, October 29, 5 to 7

For additional information contact Gretchen
Wronka [952-847-8546] or Lynn Stetler [952-847-8569]

Award Committee
Molly Malecki President, AFSCME Local 2822
Solveig Nilsen Chief Steward, AFSCME Local 2864
Sue Tracy Sandy Berman Award Winner, 2003

So…how about putting the Berman catalog back
on the internet, free for everyone to use HCL?”