April 2003

Michael Moore makes good on pledge

Michael Moore has contributed $25,000 to the ALA Spectrum initiative and has plans to donate 1000 videos of his work to libraries who cannot afford to purchase them, nearly a year after pledging to help out America\’s libraries at last year\’s annual convention, according to this announcement on LJ\’s Breaking News. ALA President Mitch Freedman commented that Moore, despite his delayed follow-up due to personal issues, \”has come through beautifully.\”

Librarians writing their own chapter

SomeOne noticed Librarians writing their own chapter on guarding rights, editorial in today’s San Jose Mercury News.

It says librarians are firmly defending civil rights — particularly, patrons’ right to privacy. and if we didn’t believe so unequivocally in universal access to information, they’d likely block the door when FBI agents and others seek to snoop upon patrons.

Teacher buried under books for three days

Lee Hadden spotted an odd story Over at Ananova that says A Croatian teacher has been trapped under a pile of books in his bedroom for three days before police rescued him.

Police found the 60-year-old math teacher, named only as DK, after his wife phoned neighbours to find out why he had not visited her in hospital for so long.

Book Review: Casino Royale

Bob Cox spotted This Book Review of Casino Royale, the birthplace of Bond, written 50 years ago.

They say he does introduce himself as “Bond – James, Bond”; the car is not an Aston Martin or a BMW – it’s a Bentley; and the drink is not a vodka martini (shaken, not stirred) – it is: three measures of Gordon’s Gin, one of vodka, and half a measure of Kina Lillet (vermouth).

ALA Teams With Heritage Emergency National Task Force

Lee Hadden writes: “The American Library Association is working with other members of the Heritage
Emergency National Task Force, which includes the Library of Congress, the Institute
for Museum and Library Services and various cultural organizations, to coordinate with
efforts of the IFLA and UNESCO to respond to requests for assistance from colleagues
in Iraq to help restore the National Library and Archive, Iraq’s principal Islamic
library, and other important centers of learning in the cradle of civilization.ALA
will be requesting funds from USAID for reconstruction in Iraq to be allocated for the
reestablishment of the National Library and Archives, and other cultural institutions.
ALA is gathering names of experts knowledgeable on Iraqi libraries, Middle Eastern
collections, preservation, rare books and manuscripts, and others who can assist in
assessment, restoration, and rebuilding efforts. This site will provide you an update
on efforts. At this early stage the coordination efforts are just beginning

read more about it at http://www.ala.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Our_Association/Offices/International_Relations2/Iraq.htm

The 40-year legacy of a famous flood

From Reuters:

Looking at the shallow, muddy waters of the River Arno as it flows through Florence, it is hard to believe that it ravaged the city in 1966, inflicting inestimable damage on its buildings and art.

And nearly 40 years on, the ancient city has not healed all its wounds, as a small group of restorers still fights the damage every day, working through a mountain of 35,500 precious books dating back to the 17th century, wrecked by the flood . . .

Complete article.