14 January 2009: Saying Farewell To Some Google Services

A Vice President for Engineering at Google announced that the Dodgeball service is being terminated in the next couple of months and Jaiku is to be no longer developed actively as a Google product. Jaiku was acquired by Google in October 2007. While mashups have been popular in the library realm, Google’s Mashup Editor is being terminated in favor of App Engine with existing applications ceasing to receive data in six months.

Google also announced that development of Google Notebook will be terminated next week and that they are focusing on integrating similar features instead into SearchWiki, Google Docs, Tasks in Gmail, and Google Bookmarks. At the Google Book Search project, the effort to provide searching of product catalogs is being terminated effective January 15th. Google Video announced that no further uploads to the service will be allowed at an undefined point in the next two months.

(h/t Ariel Waldman)
(Late-night update on January 15th: a related post with follow-up on implications has been made at the Erie Looking Productions site)