Potter mania grips New Labour MPs

Read this story out of England here. From Yahoo UK.

Once Labour MPs could be relied up to recommend robust reading. Marx maybe, or something with a social conscience. Now they are falling over themselves to endorse a public schoolboy called Harry Potter.

The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist – which perennially topped the lists of Labour MPs\’ favourite novels before the 1997 election – has been overtaken by J.K.Rowling\’s classless Harry Potter. Only one of 100 MPs asked to donate a book to their local library chose Robert Tressell\’s distinctly Old Labour classic.

\”That says it all really,\” said MP Austin Mitchell, who modestly bequeathed his own book, Westminster In Pictures to Grimsby library. \”I\’m only shocked they are not recommending
management manuals and the latest public relations texts.\”