Librarians go beyond the call of duty

The Sun Herald has this positive column on reference librarians.

\”When I started my professional career as a librarian, it was as a reference librarian. The motto of a reference librarian is that there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you need to know an answer, reference librarians will move heaven and earth to try and find that information.\”

The Sun Herald has this positive column on reference librarians.

\”When I started my professional career as a librarian, it was as a reference librarian. The motto of a reference librarian is that there is no such thing as a stupid question. If you need to know an answer, reference librarians will move heaven and earth to try and find that information.\”

\”Reference librarians have a curiosity about things. As small children, we often asked \”why\” or \”what if\” until our parents despaired. One of my beloved first books was a book entitled \”Facts and Figures\” – it contained all sorts of nifty information from the different breeds of dogs to how a volcano erupts. Mysteries probably are our favorite books to read, mainly to find out how and why the deed was done.\”

Reference librarians do not confine themselves to just the reference collection to find answers. The whole collection of the library, and of the other branches in our system, gets tapped. We have a good relationship with our neighboring libraries, in fact with all the libraries in the state and the nation. If the answer is unavailable within our library system, it might be available at a different library. In fact, sometimes the answer can be found not in a library but in another agency or organization. With today\’s technology, information from around the world is available with a few strokes of the computer keys.\”