Childrens Internet Protection Act

CNN has a Story that says The ACLU is going after the bill already.

This Story from says \”family groups\” applauded the law.

\”Gary Glenn, president of the American Family Association of Michigan, praised the bill, saying, \”children should be protected from being forced to share their public classroom, or the public library, with adults who are accessing hardcore pornography.\”

Glenn cited a recent report by Michigan prosecutor Ron Frantz who said that most sexual assault cases he prosecutes – including cases involving children as victims – have an \”extremely high\” relationship to Internet pornography.

The Center for Democracy and Technology has a copy of the filtering legislation on their Web site at, it\’s a PDF. The legislation is set to go into effect about mid-April 2001.

There is an option allowing someone to disable the filter for research or other lawful purposes. Does that sound like a loophole?