Town blocks voter approved budget

stevejzoo writes “Voters in Philipstown, in Putnam County, New York, approved an increase in operating budget for the Julia Butterfield Library from $125,000 to $276,000. Elected officials, however, decided that they will not provide the increase in funding because voters were “bamboozled.” Town supervisor William Mazucca told the NY Journal News reporter “It is not that the town doesn’t want to work with the library … But an increase like they’ve asked for is unconscionable, unreasonable. I have a right, an obligation, to the people of the town who feel like they have been bamboozled in the election.’ ‘

The library board has asked a state supreme court justice to order the board to release the funds.

See the NY Journal News editorial, published March 31st, at ?AID=/20070331/OPINION/703310325/1151