The Latest From Iraq

Deb spotted a Reuters Article on a ban Britain placed on the export of a collection of 19th century journals related to Iraq, written by a man once celebrated in verse for locating the ruins of Ancient Babylon.

Jen noticed A CNN Story that says a panel of antiquities experts said Thursday it suspected some of the recent looting of Iraqi museums had been \”commissioned\” by collectors who had anticipated the fall of Saddam Hussein\’s regime.

Bob heard The Lost Cultural Treasures of Baghdad on the NPR Show, The Connection.

James passed along Word That the head of a U.S. presidential panel on cultural property has resigned in protest at the failure of U.S. forces to prevent the wholesale looting of priceless treasures from Baghdad\’s antiquities museum. asks What does the first lady — a former librarian — think of her husband\’s failure to protect Iraq\’s cultural sites? Subscribe, or watch a brief ad and get a free day pass to find this answer.

James also notced The new dark age, which says The looting and burning of Iraq\’s museums and libraries has left us all losers.