Stephen Abram Wins 2011 Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award

2011 Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award Announced by the Canadian Library Association
The Canadian Library Association / Association canadienne des bibliothèques is pleased to announce that the 2011 CLA Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is being presented to Stephen Abram of Gale Cengage Learning. The CLA Outstanding Service to Librarianship Award is generously sponsored by Bowker.

Stephen epitomizes distinguished service: in his selfless contributions to this profession, his incredible intellect, and his willingness to sacrifice popularity for what he feels is right for librarianship. Stephen consistently demonstrates responsibility to the library profession. A one-of-a-kind librarian who,when he speaks around the world never fails to identify himself as a Canadian librarian, is willing totake risks, make tough decisions, and do whatever he can to further librarianship. He has volunteered countless hours to three of the foremost library associations in North America: CLA, OLA and SLA, sometimes working away in the background on committee tasks, and other times leading the associations as President – of all three.