Saskatoon Public Library Funding Asked to Support A New Wal-Mart

EZReader writes “This story was in the Fri., March 10th Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild issue of eBriefs:

“Saskatoon City Hall is in the process of pressuring the Saskatoon Public Library Board to approve a 15-year tax deferral from the Library’s assessment to help finance the new Wal-Mart (the Stonegate development project).

“The Saskatoon Public Library is asking Saskatoon residents to protest this diversion of public support from the Saskatoon Public Library by contacting the Board and City Council (addresses below). Bev DuBois, the City Council representative on the Library
Board is also a person to “get to” in order to make a difference. Urge them not to entertain this proposal or any like it in the future.
“For further information contact: Mr. David Anderson, Chair Saskatoon Public Library 311 – 23rd Street East, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J6. For letters to Saskatoon City Council : [To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council] City of Saskatoon, 222-3rd Ave. North, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5″
I can’t find anything about it on SPL’s own website, but you can also send a letter to Saskatoon City Council via their website:

Update: 03/13 14:53 GMT by B :: Here’s an update from about an organized protest against the big-box development.