Rest Assured, Books on Tape are Still Books

Word is out; you don’t have to struggle through that heavy history book or 19th century novel page by page. Carla Hayden, executive director of Baltimore’s Enoch Pratt Free Library, says “it’s OK to listen to books on tape”.

From The Baltimore Sun: “Recorded books started as a service for the blind. Now it is an $871 million industry, including downloads, CDs and cassettes, according to the Times
And libraries are among the biggest customers as they respond to the demands of their patrons.

Hayden says the Pratt has increased its purchases of recorded books because they are so popular.

“More and more people are realizing the quality. And some of the narrators are like rock stars. They have a cult following for anything they read.”

Often, the books are read by the authors themselves, creating a relationship with the “reader.”