Drone and Robot Book Delivery | | David Lee King

Getting books to customers is easy (well, easy if you don’t have global pandemic to deal with, anyway) – they visit the library or a bookmobile, and pick up their book. How about using drones or robots to deliver books?Well … both are being done right now.


From: https://davidleeking.com/drone-and-robot-book-delivery/ Drone and Robot Book Delivery | | David Lee King

How Coronavirus Is Changing Public Libraries – Bloomberg

Coronavirus Tests the Limits of America’s Public Libraries With school closures and job loss, communities will need libraries more than ever. But constraints after Covid-19 mean they’ll have to rethink their role.


From: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-24/how-coronavirus-is-changing-public-libraries How Coronavirus Is Changing Public Libraries – Bloomberg

Overwhelmed With Orders, Some Black-Owned Bookstores Ask for Patience – The New York Times

Overwhelmed With Orders, Some Black-Owned Bookstores Ask for Patience “We are running as fast as we can,” a Boston shop told customers who are clamoring for antiracism books that are soaring in popularity but hard to keep in stock.


From: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/23/books/black-owned-bookstores-frugal.html Overwhelmed With Orders, Some Black-Owned Bookstores Ask for Patience – The New York Times

Librarians and the Power of Social Media | Book Riot

One thing that readily comes to my mind when thinking of how libraries have used social media: to spread humor, and by extension joy. Even typos can or other misconceptions can be shaped into a something that is positively viral. An example of this is the whole snake/snack confusion that the Pflugerville Library had when advertising their Anti-Prom.


From: https://bookriot.com/2020/06/22/librarians-and-the-power-of-social-media/


Librarians and the Power of Social Media | Book Riot

Calling in Librarianship: A Manifesto

I’m not here to make friends–yet I desperately want all of you to like me–but more importantly, I want to share with you some things I believe to be true, and sharing these truths is much more important to me than being liked. I feel the need to call some of ya’ll in. So–here we go. From: https://himissjulie.com/2020/06/20/calling-in-librarianship-a-manifesto/ Calling in Librarianship: A Manifesto

Stacking books to contact tracing: LA librarians embrace new role during COVID-19

“We thought we were going to get a lot of hang-ups. … We all know those telemarketers that call in the middle of the day. You don’t answer the phone.,” he says. “They [people he’s called] have been so inviting and trying to help. … Some of them are just saying, ‘I'm not doing anything, I'm home. I got all the time in the world.’” 



Stacking books to contact tracing: LA librarians embrace new role during COVID-19

Black Lives Matter: Librarians share books, films that shine light on race, injustice | UC Berkeley Library News

At UC Berkeley, members of the Library staff have shared lists of books and films to provide a deeper understanding of race and racism, and to lift and center Black voices. They’re also working to provide greater access to many of the volumes you see here — and more — in digital form, so they can be read by more people within the UC Berkeley community, from anywhere.



Black Lives Matter: Librarians share books, films that shine light on race, injustice | UC Berkeley Library News

Libraries Are Dealing With New Demand For Books And Services During The Pandemic

NPR On Openings

If you find yourself scrambling for a good novel to escape the novel coronavirus, you’re not alone. Across the country, libraries have seen demand skyrocket for their electronic offerings, but librarians say they continue to worry about the digital divide and equality in access — not to mention the complicated questions that must be answered before they can reopen for physical lending.