
You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work | WIRED

Truth needs an advocate and it should come in the form of an enormous flock of librarians descending on Silicon Valley to create the internet we deserve, an information ecosystem that serves the people.The blessing and curse of social media is that it must remain open so we can reap the most benefits; but openness must be tempered with the strong and consistent curation and moderation that these librarians could provide, so that everyone’s voice is protected and amplified.


From: https://www.wired.com/story/you-purged-racists-from-your-website-great-now-get-to-work/ You Purged Racists From Your Website? Great, Now Get to Work | WIRED

Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers and Spies Banded Together in World War Two Europe 

Information Hunters: When Librarians, Soldiers and Spies Banded Together in World War Two Europe 

In Information Hunters, Kathy Peiss describes American assumptions about German libraries as the Allies closed in on Berlin in 1945. ‘On its face, the military government’s perspective was simple: Nazi books were akin to a virus or infestation. It required quarantine and elimination.’



From: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v42/n13/neal-ascherson/warrior-librarians Neal Ascherson · Warrior Librarians: Cultural Pillaging · LRB 2 July 2020