LISTen: An Program — Episode #185

This week’s episode brings not one but two essays. Public Service Announcements are heard from the US Internal Revenue Service, the US Census Bureau, and the US Department of Agriculture.

Direct download link: MP3

Related links:
TeleRead re-running the proposal to buy out Overdrive
The Interstate Library Compact
Main body of the US Constitution at the National Archives and Records Administration
John C. Dvorak: Here Comes the National Internet
John C. Dvorak: Censoring the Web Every Which Way
Chloe Albanesius: Twitter Now Able to Censor Tweets
OUT-LAW.COM: Google ‘chooses’ not to censor Mosley content, MP says
Uri Friedman: Five things you can’t do on Twitter in the United States

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #185 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #184

This week’s somewhat truncated episode brings a spoken message from the siteowner, Blake Carver. A brief news miscellany is also presented.

Direct episode download link: MP3

Related links:
EFF on major changes at Twitter
Evan Prodromou on making one’s own microblog platform
Dave Winer: Get The Tech Back In Tech
WSJ on fears of hacker vigilantism

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #184 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

Just How Many Libraries Have Closed? Ask LISNews

Following up on comments on a recent story, I’d like to ask the LISNews community: Are there any credible published reports of the number of US library closures in the past year/two years/five years, etc? Also welcome are findings for other countries.

  • Do you–does anyone–have any actual data on actual library system closings? Not branches, not temporary shutdowns, but public libraries that actually disappear–or, let’s say, shut down for at least three years?

    Has it been 1% over the last 10 years? 0.5%? 0.1%?

    Have there been more public libraries (again, not branches–those are inherently more temporary) closed or opened over the last decade?

  • Please contribute your findings and attribution in a comment below, thanks.

    LISTen: An Program — Episode #183

    This week’s episode looks at the aftermath of the SOPA battle and the take-down of MegaUpload while looking at some consequences thereupon for the knowledge ecology. A draft resolution for any upcoming ALA meeting is also presented.

    Direct download link: MP3

    Creative Commons License
    LISTen: An Program — Episode #183 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

    LISTen: An Program — Episode #182

    This week’s episode brings a segment-sized version of the infamous Tech for Techies as well as an essay looking at the legislative steps for the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act and how there may yet be other points at which the bill could be killed.

    Direct download link: MP3

    Creative Commons License
    LISTen: An Program — Episode #182 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

    LISTen: An Program — Episode #181

    “And we’re back…”

    This week’s program takes a look at the continuing issue that is the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act.

    In light of the discussion in the program, a sampling of programs licensed under Creative Commons licensing to potentially consider adding to a library’s collection via copies of episodes on physical media includes:
    Search Engine
    Linux Outlaws
    FLOSS Weekly
    Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour
    Ham Nation
    Tech News Today

    Listening to any of the enumerated programs above isn’t a bad idea, either.

    Creative Commons License
    LISTen: An Program — Episode #181 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

    LISNews Is Kinda Broken

    I kinda sorta really broke LISNews this morning. I’m not exactly sure what’s working right now, but I should have it more or less pieced back together today or tomorrow.

    LISNews Hits 40,000 Posts and Turns 12 Years Old


    As usual, I forgot LISNews’ birthday a few weeks ago, but LISNews turned 12 (NOT 11 you dummy) years old this month, and just now rolled over 40,000 posts. If you’ve been around for awhile you already know the rest of the story, if not, I’ll spare you the details because you won’t read them anyways.

    Every year I try to thank everyone who has helped LISNews over these many years. Steve Glabraith, Steven M Cohen & Nabeal Ahmed, were all instrumental in helping me during the early years (when I needed it most!).

    We also had a few authors that posted like bloggers possessed, Ieleene, Aaron, Rochelle, and a few other authors who helped out for awhile and moved on. Behind the scenes Joe Frazee helped me get the original LISNews server up and running. Over the years a few dedicated souls have tirelessly submitted stories; Bob Cox, Martin, Lee Hadden, Charles Davis, and many others. Stephen Kellat, for the podcast, Bibliofuture, Robin, Troy, Andy, Dan and all the LISNews authors deserve a big thank you and a pat on the back for all their hard work. LISNews is a collaborative site, and we all work together to make it great.

    I’d also like to thank everyone who has ever chipped in to pay for the server, submitted a story, wrote in their journal, left a comment, or just dropped by for a visit.

    Happy Birthday LISNews. Here’s hoping we have a few more good years ahead of us!

    No LISNews Podcast This Week

    Due to circumstances far beyond the control of The Air Staff, LISTen will not be airing this week. Programming is expected to resume on October 10th, observed as Columbus Day in the United States and as Thanksgiving in Canada.