LISTen: An Program — Episode #194

This week’s slightly delayed episode contains a piece of media criticism by Madam Producer and a news miscellany.

Direct Download: Ogg Vorbis (Audio)

Related links:
Peter Murray: Reflections on Little Free Libraries Ebook Antitrust
TheNextWeb: Iran’s government to shut down access to the Internet by August
The Register: Iran’s plan to UNPLUG the INTERWEBS back from the dead
Ars Technica: Iran moving ahead with plans for national intranet

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #194 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #193

This week’s episode is most definitely NOT an April Fool’s Day prank like last week’s. We discuss an operational matter about the possibility of a live show in the English community of Liverpool and go through a news miscellany.

As noted, you can click here to open your e-mail client to contact the Producer, Gloria Kellat, about the Liverpool matter.

Direct episode download link: MP3

Related links:

Buzz Out Loud 1586: Announcing the end of Buzz Out Loud (podcast)
Pope Benedict XVI’s Easter Vigil 2012 Homily
Coyle’s InFormation: Can libraries change?
Coyle’s InFormation: Content and carrier
Internet radio usage way up, driven by smartphone rush
U.S. Barely Cracks List of Countries With Top Wi-Fi Penetration
This Week in Censorship: UK, UAE, Pakistan, & Bangladesh
Iran to roll out ‘halal’ internet by May
Boing Boing: When you share with Facebook friends, you share with all the apps they use
Arby’s resorts to blocking conservatives on Twitter

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #193 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #192

This week’s episode is a bit unconventional yet posted early on April 1st.

Unrelated links:

Read RSS Feeds Via NNTP
Revision3 > Annie's Bits
The Supremes and the Catholic Charities – National Review Online
With World IPv6 Launch, IPv6 on by default will be the new normal
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Rethinking Internet Radio, Part One | The SWLing Post
Rethinking Internet Radio, Part Two: Using the Cricket Muve ZTE Score Mobile Phone as a Web Radio | The SWLing Post
SheevaPlug | Arch Linux ARM
Something to tuck away for rainy day: Popeye’s Guide to PSK the natural way « With Varying Frequency – Amateur Radio Ponderings
Technology Programs FAQ –
BBC News – Pakistan's quiet erosion of internet freedom
Census shows a country changed yet still rooted in tradition – The Irish Times – Fri, Mar 30, 2012
5by5 | The Ihnatko Almanac
An Inverted System – Ramesh Ponnuru – National Review Online
CILIP | News: 29 March 2012
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Drug Shortages | WhiteCoat's Call Room
Hackable: Ubuntu boots on 8-bit microcontroller – The H Open Source: News and Features
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Backup Email with OfflineIMAP | blog
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JWM – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kiwix: An Offline Reader for Wikipedia! : — Counter-technology Guides, Information, & News! Featuring Linux Mint &…
Live instances – GNU MediaGoblin Wiki
Main Page – openZIM

LISTen: An Program — Episode #191

This week’s episode brings a conference report from Blake Carver followed by a bit of a news miscellany.

Direct Download MP3

Related Links:
Human trafficking ‘hiding in plain sight’ in northern Ohio, U.S. Attorney says
Facebook removes page paying homage to Toulouse killer
Toulouse gunman dies in hail of bullets during police raid
French officials under fire over Toulouse gunman
French president promises law to make viewing “hate sites” an offense
Don’t rush to shut down hate on the web
FOIA data suggests FCC more secretive than CIA
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Pirate Bay plans to build aerial server drones with $35 Linux computer
Pirate Bay plans sky-high flying proxy servers
US broadcasters put the squeeze on small-town cable TV
Conservatives hijack #ILikeObamacare hashtag on Twitter

Creative Commons License
LISTen: An Program — Episode #191 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISNewsers at PLA

RKB & Andy Woodworth in the booth

Andy Woodworth & Robin K. Blum (birdie) chilling in the In My Book booth at PLA12 in Philadelphia. Good busy conference, thanks to all who came by.

Going To PLA? Stop at the In My Book Booth 2035 to see LISNews Author Birdie!

If you’re heading to PLA come by the In My Book ® cards booth #2035 and say hello to LISNews’s ‘birdie’ (Robin)!

Need to find an additional source of income for your library? Of course you do, as public funding is diminishing and shows no sign of increasing anytime soon. Not an easy situation, but when the going gets tough…you know the saying.

It’s time to get creative, and here’s just one creative solution that book-lovers are sure to enjoy; the “greeting card and bookmark in one” In My Book ® cards.

Along with bookbags, mugs, and other logo items, these inexpensive multi-tasking cards make a great addition to your library shop inventory. Or purchase them as thank you notes for volunteers and donors. With the addition of three new styles this month (“In my book, you’re a legend”; “In my book, you’re out of this world”; and “In my book, you’re a winner”), the cards are now available in a total of eighteen literary-oriented styles.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #189

This week’s episode is another quick one that talks about the seemingly ephemeral nature of electronic communications as of late.

You can directly download such HERE

Related links:

The PJ Tatler » Iran’s Net Neutrality: They Shut Down the Internet for Everyone Equally
Pakistan's plan for the "coldblooded murder of the Internet"
We take a look at the Pakistan government's plan to buy censorship hardware capable of blocking up to 50 million websites today… and filtering citizen e-mail tomorrow.
SOPA's author wants everything you do online logged and made available without a warrant « Boing Boing
Pentagon suffers Internet access outage | Reuters
Instapundit » Blog Archive » SHUT UP, PLEBES: FCC Inquires Into Its Own Authority To Regulate Communication Service Shutdown…
FCC Inquires Into Its Own Authority To Regulate Communication Service Shutdowns – Slashdot
Anonymous Declares War – Glenn Beck

And something somewhat unrelated served up by

(see here)

LISTen: An Program — Episode #188

After a trip to visit Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and pick up computer parts on the way back, LISTen is finally posted. The episode can be directly downloaded here.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.