LISTen: An Program — Episode #215

This week’s episode brings a discussion of the infamous Case Omega that deals with freedoms being extinguished online, a segment-sized edition of the infamous Tech for Techies talking about the joys of teleprompters, and a news miscellany.

Related links:

Download here (MP3) (Ogg Vorbis), or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like Support and subsistence items for the production team can be purchased and sent from here via Amazon, as always.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

LISTen: An Program — Episode #214

This week’s episode features a chat with Dan Lynch of Sixgun Productions in Liverpool about changes in the UK library world relative to the UK government reviewing the possibility of e-book lending there. Madam Producer also discusses a new report by Freedom House about Internet Freedom in the context of this week being Banned Books Week.

Download here (MP3) (ogg), or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like Support and subsistence items for the production team can be purchased and sent from here.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Related Links:

Algeria proposes initiative at UN General Assembly to limit free speech, protect Islam's image

Governments Find New Ways to Control Web –

Governments around the world are turning to more diverse and subtle ways of controlling and manipulating the Internet, including hiring armies of bloggers to push propaganda, according to a new report by a human rights watchdog.

Freedom on the Net 2012 | Freedom House

Web Repression Around the World: It's Becoming More Sophisticated – Richard Solash – The Atlantic

According to Freedom House, it's also getting worse.

Big Brother still watching: Internet censorship on the up, report says –

Draconian laws, brutal attacks against bloggers and politically motivated surveillance are among the biggest threats to Internet freedom emerging in the last two years, according to a new report from free speech advocates, Freedom House.

As Burma Improves, China is Now Asia's Worst Net Freedom Offender

China is now the worst net freedom offender in the region, performing even worse than it did last year.

Netizen Report: Halal-net Edition – Global Voices Advocacy

This week's Netizen Report starts in Iran, which appears to have made major strides toward launching its own national Internet network. It's unclear as of yet what the network will look like, but some speculate it will be similar to China's Great Firewall.

Aga-saga doyenne ponders how to put ebooks in public libraries • The Register

E-Lending: the end of the library?

Voices for the Library» Blog Archive » Statement on the ebook lending review

DAN LYNCH — Adventures In Open Source

Linux and open source news, distro reviews, tips and commentary by Dan Lynch of Linux Outlaws.

Linux Outlaws | Sixgun Productions

LISTen: An Program — Episode #213

This week’s episode is hurriedly uploaded as Time Warner Cable suffered a regional outage immediately after we concluded recording. Contingency plans began executing until access came back up. Infrastructure along Lake Erie’s south shore should not provide as much excitement as it does when it fails.

This week’s episode provides a brief follow-up to last week and presents a news miscellany. It is specifically noted in the program that the Air Staff is currently best reached by hitting the contact form and selecting podcast producers instead of via comments left on LISNews. At the least we know e-mails sent via the contact form will forward to team member cell phones.

Related links:

Download here (MP3) (ogg), or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like here.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

LISTen: An Program — Episode #212 / Burning Circle Episode 83

This week’s episode is jointly numbered with Ubuntu Ohio — Burning Circle and speaks to a situation that arose over the last week in North Africa.

Download here (MP3) (ogg), or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like Support and subsistence items for the production team can be purchased and sent from here.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

LISTen: An Program — Episode #211

This week’s episode brings a public health update jointly from the United States Department of Agriculture as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An essay is presented as well as a news miscellany.

Related links:
Bibliofuture: Comment on political post
Wired: Google Fiber Splits Along Kansas City’s Digital Divide
The Hill: FCC backpedals from Internet tax
PCMag Digital Network: FCC Poised to Vote on Spectrum Auction Plan
The Register: Health minister warns ISPs–Block suicide websites or face regulation
France24: One million people commit suicide each year–WHO
Los Angeles Times: More older workers making up labor force
AEI’s James Pethokoukis: The awful, awful August jobs report
PCWorld: Broadcaster Al Jazeera knocked offline with DNS attack
The Register: You’ll be on a list 3 hrs after you start downloading from pirates – study
The Verge: Learn to build a Raspberry Pi operating system, courtesy of Cambridge University
NBC News: ‘Fix-a-Flat’ butt injection suspect bonds out of Florida jail

Download here (MP3) or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like Support and subsistence items to further the work of the production team can be purchased and sent here via Amazon. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

LISTen: An Program — Episode #210

This week’s episode brings a brief news miscellany.

ALA: September is Library Card Sign-up Month
The Register: Here we go again–Critical flaw found in just-patched Java
PCWorld: German Cabinet Backs Law That Could Allow News Publishers to Sue Google
PCMag Digital Network: As Isaac Looms, Can Consumer Tech Help Avert Disaster in a Post-Katrina World?
Washington Monthly: The Siege of Academe–For years, Silicon Valley has failed to breach the walls of higher education with disruptive technology. But the tide of battle is changing. A report from the front lines.
The Sustainable University

Download here (MP3) (ogg), or subscribe to the podcast (MP3) to have episodes delivered to your media player. We suggest subscribing by way of a service like Support and subsistence items to further the work of the production team can be purchased and sent here via Amazon.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit

LISTen: An Program — Episode #209

An extract from this episode’s speaking script:

“This program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. We made this shift going forward when the Arab Spring kicked off. Under this license, you are fully free to go ahead and redistribute this program. Reformatting this program to being on a burnt audio compact disc or lining it out to conventional cassette tape is not just possible but encouraged. In a time when people are shunning conventional media for Internet-based streams, little thought is given to what happens when the streaming infrastructure goes away.”

Yeah, we’re thinking about Hurricane Isaac with that initial discussion in the episode. A news miscellany is also presented as promised in LISTen #208.

Direct Download/Play In Browser: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:
Free Speech Radio News
Rathole Radio
Shows at
Ars Technica: How one man is bringing VoIP, ‘Net access where telecoms fear to tread
The Hill: FCC eyes tax on Internet service
The Register: Disable Java NOW, users told, as 0-day exploit hits web
The Register: UK ISPs crippled by undersea cable snap
Software Freedom Day 2012
The Verge: FCC broadband report finds widespread coverage, but many people aren’t signing up
Musings About Librarianship: “We’re a copy-and-paste profession”
Coyle’s InFormation: Future Format: Goals and Measures

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #209 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #208

This week’s regular episode presents an essay. A news miscellany will be posted as a separate episode Wednesday.

Direct Download/Play In Browser: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #208 by The Air Staff of Erie Looking Productions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
Based on a work at

LISTen: An Program — Episode #207

We’re back! LISTen is off hiatus with this episode. There are two essays of which one is inspired by a modest proposal made once upon a time by author Jonathan Swift. The other deals with infrastructure. A news miscellany is also presented.

By command of the producer, the following link is provided to the groceries wishlist she discusses in-episode:

Play this program directly in your browser if you use a modern Firefox or right-click to download: Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related links:

Bibliofuture’s comment on political posts

Press release on author Nicholas Sparks

Announcement of the 2012 Dublin Core conference in Malaysia

Sec4Lib Wiki Revitalization

Glenn Harlan Reynolds on US electrical infrastructure dangers

Heritage Foundation on US electrical infrastructure preparedness

Commentary at The Washington Examiner on possible national electrical grid issues

The GAO report cited by The Washington Examiner above

Instapundit on news of Saylor Foundation offering free courses

Inside HigherEd on news of Saylor Foundation offering free courses in concert with Excelsior College

Catalogablog on the release of a Digital Curation Resource Guide

Karen Coyle on “The Success Paradox”

France24 on Google re-ranking downward sites with high amounts of take-downnotices

Cyrus Farivar on the Google re-ranking issue

France24 on Mark Thompson taking the helm at the New York Times

The Verge on rumors of a new satellite broadband offering for rural USA

Cyrus Farivar on CleanIT plans in Europe

The Register on the Iranian clean national intranet deployment date slipping again

Glynn Moody on paying for F/LOSS programs

“Mitt the Fraudulent, Murdering, Death-Squad Profiteer — And It’s Only August 10!”

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

LISTen: An Program — Episode #206

This week’s episode is presented by the owner and engineer of Erie Looking Productions, Mike Kellat. He ran his own audio and there are some rough edges. Electricity-related items as well as a news miscellany are presented.

Direct Download (and directly plays in recent versions of FireFox if clicked): Ogg Vorbis Audio

Related Links:
Ars Technica:
For first time ever, US seeking international limits on copyright

Wayne Bivens-Tatum: Theories of Serial Weeding
The Register: Google ditches the bits in the bottom of the box — Spring cleaning time again at the Googleplex
Morning Bell: Governor Walker Breaks New Ground in Higher Ed

Creative Commons License

LISTen: An Program — Episode #206 by Michael J. Kellat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.