
FBI Warning! – But no mention of fair use

The Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) has filed a complaint with the FCC over the warnings that precede home movies, and are the standard fare of televised sports. The CCIA indicates that the warnings, which indicate that this media is not to be reproduced without permission, scares uninformed users who do not understand their fair use rights. You can read an L.A. Times article about the proceedings here or go to the CCIA’s “Defend Fair Use” website and look at the actual complaint.

Medical Information for the Patient

This interesting article from the Managed Care Magazine talks about “information therapy.” The article defines information therapy as “the practice of providing more and better information to patients so they can contribute more to their healing.” This doctor-provided information encourages the patient to be more active participants in their care and helps to counteract the incorrect information which is so readily available.

Google Book Search Uncovering Old Plagiarism

Apparently long-dead scholars “borrowed” each other’s words, too. According to Paul Collins at Slate, Google Book Search isn’t just unmasking transgressions by current writers. He talks about how an offhand search resulted in discovering unattributed quotations in one author’s work, and ponders what other borrowed words will be discovered in coming years.