The Slashdot Effect is the inspiration for (as some of you were nice enough to point out).
Forbes has a fantastic Story Here on slashdot, and the hordes of readers they have. If you\’ve ever visited slashdot, this story will be worth a read.

With an active readership estimated to be as high as 700,000–staggering by new-media standards–Slashdot has become a Web leviathan.
\”[For] geeks like me,\” he chuckles, \”Slashdot is different. People who are just like you comment on it–people who actually know sometimes what they\’re talking about.\” is the inspiration for (as some of you were nice enough to point out).
Forbes has a fantastic Story Here on slashdot, and the hordes of readers they have. If you\’ve ever visited slashdot, this story will be worth a read.

With an active readership estimated to be as high as 700,000–staggering by new-media standards–Slashdot has become a Web leviathan.
\”[For] geeks like me,\” he chuckles, \”Slashdot is different. People who are just like you comment on it–people who actually know sometimes what they\’re talking about.\” Because Slashdot attracted some of the most clued-in software and hardware hackers in the open-source realm, the quality of information on the Web site was high. \”There\’s so many bad news sites on the Web, it\’s incredible,\” says Chris DiBona, marketing director of VA Linux Systems, the biggest Linux-only computer maker. \”They\’ve all got the same news–everyone pulls from CNET and Wired. It\’s a complete, total waste of time.