The Library is Not for Studying

Annoyed Librarian —

Over the years there have been lots of calls to make libraries into something other than libraries. That’s especially true of public libraries, but even librarians in academic libraries sometimes want to change things up, to turn libraries from a silent haven for research into community centers or places to play video games.
In some ways it’s understandable. The most likely people to be bored with libraries are the librarians who have to work in them every day. They show up, day after day, and perform the same tedious functions.
After a while, they get jaded. The library is a boring place for them, and they want to make it hip or relevant or something like that. Most of all, they want action.
And what they’re most trying to fight against is the stereotype of the shushing librarian. We don’t shush!
It turns out that in some libraries there is a group that yearns for a shushing librarian: the patrons of the library.

Check out this story from Cerritos College, a community college in California: ‘Shhhhh’: Noise an issue in library, Student Center.