Ten Graces for New Librarians

Originally the Commencement address
at the School of Information Science and Policy,
SUNY/Albany on Sunday, May 19, 1996, GraceAnne
DeCandido has written \”Ten Graces for New Librarians\” a very
informative guide for all new librarians.
Read it
love it, live it!

Originally the Commencement address
at the School of Information Science and Policy,
SUNY/Albany on Sunday, May 19, 1996, GraceAnne
DeCandido has written \”Ten Graces for New Librarians\” a very
informative guide for all new librarians.
Read it
love it, live it!
The ten graces:

join a listserv

make your education every day

\”Make your own luck\”

Find and keep and nurture your sense of humor

tender openness toward those we serve

keep your life and work in balance

Change is the only surety

Develop a strong sense of your own self-worth

Make your particular vision part of the cultural memory
of librarianship

librarianship is the connecting of people to ideas