Technical Note

As you might have noticed, the “podcast” link isn’t working. I had to make some taxonomy changes to support the full-blown launch of the LISNews Netcast Network. Unfortunately doing so broke that and I am not able to fix it. The matter has been flagged for Blake and should be okay when he has time available to fix it.

If you are already subscribed to the podcast feed, you’re fine. Your podcatcher likely saw the name change and adjusted things appropriately. If you already subscribe to the e-mail service, you’re still fine. The key concern, though, is that you’ll be getting everything posted to the LISNews Netcast Network.

While we work things out and complete the finishing touches, this table may help with ways of subscribing at finer degrees of granularity:


Feed Reader/Podcatcher Target

E-mail Subscription Option

Hyperlinked History
Presented by Great Western Dragon/The Faceless Historian

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

LISTen: An Podcast
Presented by Stephen Michael Kellat

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

Tech for Techies
Presented by Michael J. Kellat

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

All Network Programs

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

Programming will post throughout the week instead of in a single flood on Monday morning Coordinated Universal Time.