Sandy Berman Appreciation Month

Jenna Freedman declares the six weeks or so from now until his birthday on October 6, Sandy Berman appreciation month. She’s asking for participatiion by sending him cards, flowers, subject heading suggestions, and low fat schnitzel.

Sanford Berman
Room 615 – Bed 2
Park Nicollet Methodist Hospital
6500 Excelsior Blvd.
St. Louis Park, MN 55426

He’ll probably be at the above address for at least a month. While his condition isn’t life threatening, it is very serious. He has two broken vertebrae in his neck and secondary injuries from the surgery and will be in a series of body, back and neck braces for some time. But don’t feel that you have to know him to write to him. Sandy has long been a friend and mentor to librarians, LIS students, and activists that he’s never met.

Further reading:

Since it’s really hard for some people to buy a card, write on it, put it in an envelope, stamp it, and mail it she will also convey your messages for you. Either write a comment here, or post it elsewhere and send me the link, and she’ll print and mail your contribution for you.