Random Numbers

Conducting a collection survey? Today\’s New York Times profiles several free online purveyors of random numbers that can assist you in getting a valid sample…

Pay a visit to the home page of [a] purveyor of unpredictability, called Hotbits, and you will hear what sounds like the erratic clicking of a Geiger counter. It is the sound of neutrons in a radioactive substance spewing out electrons and gamma rays as they decay. This decay is random, as guaranteed by laws of quantum mechanics, so by training a Geiger counter on a sample of krypton 85 and feeding the signal to a computer, Hotbits generates a constant stream of random digits. Just fill out an electronic form, saying how many bits you want and they will be dispatched immediately over the Internet. . .

Conducting a collection survey? Today\’s New York Times profiles several free online purveyors of random numbers that can assist you in getting a valid sample…

Pay a visit to the home page of [a] purveyor of unpredictability, called Hotbits, and you will hear what sounds like the erratic clicking of a Geiger counter. It is the sound of neutrons in a radioactive substance spewing out electrons and gamma rays as they decay. This decay is random, as guaranteed by laws of quantum mechanics, so by training a Geiger counter on a sample of krypton 85 and feeding the signal to a computer, Hotbits generates a constant stream of random digits. Just fill out an electronic form, saying how many bits you want and they will be dispatched immediately over the Internet. . .