quiet as a library.

A Story from Sacbee.com on a quiet first night of operations.

After months of planning and anticipation, the Central Library stayed open at night for the first time Wednesday.
It was, well, quiet as a library.

With the exception of nearly constant activity at eight Internet-access computers, patronage was sparse in almost every corner of the downtown library.

After a brief, post-work rush, there were few children on the children\’s floor, study carrels were mostly empty, photocopy rooms were dark and but a few eyes peered at periodicals.

A Story from Sacbee.com on a quiet first night of operations.

After months of planning and anticipation, the Central Library stayed open at night for the first time Wednesday.
It was, well, quiet as a library.

With the exception of nearly constant activity at eight Internet-access computers, patronage was sparse in almost every corner of the downtown library.

After a brief, post-work rush, there were few children on the children\’s floor, study carrels were mostly empty, photocopy rooms were dark and but a few eyes peered at periodicals.

\”Service will grow through time as people become more aware of the service,\” predicted Richard Killian, library director.

Those interviewed in the library Wednesday had just happened into awareness.