netLibrary Donating 150,000 eBooks to 100 top PL

LJDigital has a Press Release from NetLibrary

To further the use of electronic books in libraries, e-book publisher netLibrary has
announced it is donating 150,000 digital volumes to 100 public libraries across the country
during the coming months. The \”netLibrary eBook Intorduction Program\” will provide free
24-hour access to the titles for six months, at which time the participating libraries will
have the option to purchase as many of the volumes as they desire.

LJDigital has a Press Release from NetLibrary

To further the use of electronic books in libraries, e-book publisher netLibrary has
announced it is donating 150,000 digital volumes to 100 public libraries across the country
during the coming months. The \”netLibrary eBook Intorduction Program\” will provide free
24-hour access to the titles for six months, at which time the participating libraries will
have the option to purchase as many of the volumes as they desire.To participate in the program, libraries must agree to purchase and integrate MARC records
for the 1500 titles into their OPACs, take a training session, and display point-of-use
materials in their library locations.