LISNews Hits 40,000 Posts and Turns 12 Years Old


As usual, I forgot LISNews’ birthday a few weeks ago, but LISNews turned 12 (NOT 11 you dummy) years old this month, and just now rolled over 40,000 posts. If you’ve been around for awhile you already know the rest of the story, if not, I’ll spare you the details because you won’t read them anyways.

Every year I try to thank everyone who has helped LISNews over these many years. Steve Glabraith, Steven M Cohen & Nabeal Ahmed, were all instrumental in helping me during the early years (when I needed it most!).

We also had a few authors that posted like bloggers possessed, Ieleene, Aaron, Rochelle, and a few other authors who helped out for awhile and moved on. Behind the scenes Joe Frazee helped me get the original LISNews server up and running. Over the years a few dedicated souls have tirelessly submitted stories; Bob Cox, Martin, Lee Hadden, Charles Davis, and many others. Stephen Kellat, for the podcast, Bibliofuture, Robin, Troy, Andy, Dan and all the LISNews authors deserve a big thank you and a pat on the back for all their hard work. LISNews is a collaborative site, and we all work together to make it great.

I’d also like to thank everyone who has ever chipped in to pay for the server, submitted a story, wrote in their journal, left a comment, or just dropped by for a visit.

Happy Birthday LISNews. Here’s hoping we have a few more good years ahead of us!