Sounding Off

The Air Staff at Erie Looking Productions invites readers and listeners to call in their reactions to two recent posts floating around in the realm of the Internet. The first is a post to LISNews talking about CNET Editor-at-Large Brian Cooley’s view of libraries. The second is a post at National Review Online’s The Corner where Christian Schneider takes a fairly dim view of modern public libraries in the United States.

The voicemail inbox is powered by Google Voice so clicking the widget below will facilitate easy access:

You can also call 702-714-0397 from your own phone.

The deadline for receiving voicemails in reaction to either or both of those posts is Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 01:00:00 UTC/Zulu. Clicking on the date/time mention will bring up a converter to place such in your local time context.

The best messages received may be played on-air during the next episode of LISTen: An Program. Remember to keep it under a minute and to give a quick mention of who you are when you call.

Creative Commons License
Sounding Off by Stephen Michael Kellat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.