Explaining Subscription Options

Update: It should be noted that due to Daylight Savings Times changes on March 8th, episodes will be posted at 0400 UTC rather than 0500 UTC as they have been.

Sometimes it seems that explaining choices can be difficult. With the expansion of audio programming into being the LISNews Netcast Network, there came some changes. New material is usually released on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That can be more than what some people can normally digest.

When the switch was made, a deliberate decision was taken to increase available subscription options. Those who were subscribed to what was the LISTen were grandfathered into an “all podcasts” feed. For some that may work well while it may be overwhelming to others. Individual feeds for each regular show have been created in addition to the main “all podcasts” feed. According to the stats from FeedBurner, few have made use of these individual show feeds. They are indeed there and, if you are overwhelmed by so many programs during the week, their use is encouraged. This table breaks out all the subscription options in the most compact form possible:


Feed Reader/Podcatcher Target

E-mail Subscription Option

One-Click iTunes Target

Hyperlinked History
Presented by Great Western Dragon/The Faceless Historian

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

iTunes Music Store

LISTen: An LISNews.org Podcast
Presented by Stephen Michael Kellat

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

iTunes Music Store

Tech for Techies
Presented by Michael J. Kellat

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

iTunes Music Store

All Network Programs

Link on Feedburner

E-mail service provided by Feedburner

iTunes Music Store

Some folks may prefer show by show control in their podcatcher rather than a single firehose feed. With a few taxonomy tweaks, accommodating both preferences was possible. Provided you have iTunes installed, clicking any of the links in the far-right column of the table above will take you to the appropriate page in the iTunes Music Store. Right clicking the podcatcher target column’s links and selecting “copy link location” will let you subscribe in our programs like Juice or gpodder. Such also allows subscription via Bloglines which appears to be a choice some have made according to the stats by Bloglines itself. The e-mail column’s links take you to the process for signing up via FeedBurner to get new posts delivered to you in your e-mail without any rich media attachments but instead links to download rich media as desired.