97% of Research Library Searches Leak Privacy… and Other Disappointing Statistics.

Over the weekend, I decided to try to quantify the extent of privacy leakage in public-facing library services by studying the search services of the 123 ARL libraries. These are the best funded and most prestigious libraries in North America, and we should expect them to positively represent libraries. I went to each library’s on-line search facility and did a search for a book whose title might suggest to an advertiser that I might be pregnant. (I’m not!) I checked to see whether the default search linked to by the library’s home page (as listed on the ARL website) was delivered over a secure connection (HTTPS). I checked for privacy leakage of referer headers from cover images by using Chrome developer tools (the sources tab). I used Ghostery to see if the library’s online search used Google Analytics or not. I also noted whether advertising network “web beacons” were placed by the search session.

From Go To Hellman: 97% of Research Library Searches Leak Privacy… and Other Disappointing Statistics.