XML in Libraries

I stumbled on \”The XML Files: The Truth Will Be Out There\” a
paper written by Cara Bradley on how XML will be
used in libraries. She covers A Brief History of Markup
Languages, and XMl in libraries. It\’s worth the read if
you\’re a geek like me.

\”XML looms on the
horizon but the truth about the role it will play in digital
representation is not yet known, and its potential impact
on library and information environments remains just
that, potential. Yet, the relationship between XML and
these information climates seems promising; as Exner
and Turner note, \”XML is certainly a significant advance
in the handling of data and information in the Web
environment, and anything that affects information will
also impact the library field\” (\”Examining XML\”).
Librarians are well-advised to be aware of
technological developments that may have a profound
impact on the way they manage and deliver information.
XML is one such technology deserving of attention. \”