“Tin Drum” legal fees OK’d

The Oklahoma City Council finally decided Tuesday to
pay court-ordered legal fees for a man who sued after
police confiscated his rented videotape of \”The Tin
Drum\” because they believed it
contained child pornography.
Then they promptly forgot to actually authorize the
$143,047 payment. The city has now spent more than
$700,000 to settle the case.

James writes:
\”The civic leaders have
dragged their collective feet for years, thereby fully
disclosing what fools they are. The reluctance to pay up
shows their ignorance and fundamentilst training in
that instead of paying for their lose, they continue to
keep the issue alive, perhaps hoping that god will take
pity on them and strike the ACLU and Michael Camfiled
dead and remove the \”sin\” of freedom to read and view
from Oklahoma City.

You can read more at the
Newspaper in America) The
Oklahoman Archives
aren\’t free, but there does
appear to be a number of stories on this subject. This
entire thing is just a sad joke.