The Impact of Computers on Schools

Donna Sent along this Story from Tech Source on The Impact of Computers on Schools. It talks about Donald Tapscot\’s \”Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation\” and \”Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children’s Minds—for Better and Worse\” by Jane Healy. Two books that took 2 very different looks at the computer and it\’s affects on schools.

\”The thrill of using technology in the classroom is compelling. However, it must be tempered by concern for productive use and an awareness of the possible negative effects of computers on young learners. Keeping students’ physical well-being in mind, teachers must carefully arrange computers in the classroom (taking ergonomics into account) and set time limits for computer use. An informed, balanced approach to technology infusion is key, and Tapscott and Healy\’s books are a must-read for all willing to reengineer themselves for 21st-century education.\”