Tetris Maximus at Brown Library

Bonnie Good Buzzell Writes:

In this morning\’s Providence Journal, a story about a giant Tetris game
display on the 14 story Sciences Library at Brown.
The Story is at Projo.com.

\”The Brown students\’ version uses a desktop computer to control 10,000 Christmas lights strung in the windows of the 194-foot high library building, one of the tallest buildings on the city\’s East Side. The lights span windows on 11 floors, illuminating each window separately. (Only 10 of the 11 floors are working). The grid replicates a crude but effective 10-by-10 pixel screen, visible from outside the building.\”

Bonnie Good Buzzell Writes:

In this morning\’s Providence Journal, a story about a giant Tetris game
display on the 14 story Sciences Library at Brown.
The Story is at Projo.com.

\”The Brown students\’ version uses a desktop computer to control 10,000 Christmas lights strung in the windows of the 194-foot high library building, one of the tallest buildings on the city\’s East Side. The lights span windows on 11 floors, illuminating each window separately. (Only 10 of the 11 floors are working). The grid replicates a crude but effective 10-by-10 pixel screen, visible from outside the building.\”To play, students stand on the steps of an adjacent building with a laptop computer, which is connected, through the Internet, to a computer inside the library.

To keep from disturbing anyone studying at the library, the students have waited until midnight to play. Passersby are invited to play as well.

The idea was the brainchild of the students who live in Brown University\’s Technology House, an on-campus building that\’s home to about 30 students interested in science and technology.

The idea had been kicking around Tech House for several years, Spies said. A previous attempt to build it about two years ago didn\’t get far.

This year, more students were enthusiastic about the idea, and they had the technical wherewithal — from computer science and digital circuits classes — to pull it off, said Ryan Evans, who did much of the project\’s programming.

Story in Wednesday\’s Brown Daily Herald:

Project\’s homepage: http://bastilleweb.techhouse.org/