S.C. Attorney General says that filtering is free of first amendment

APBnews has this article about South Carolina Attorney General Charles Condon who gave his support of a bill that would let libraries in the state filter the Internet without having to deal with first amendment issues.

\”Public libraries have no obligation to provide computers or Internet service,\” Condon wrote in a 10-page decision. \”Notwithstanding this fact, however, public libraries have the constitutional right to use filters to remove pornography.\”

APBnews has this article about South Carolina Attorney General Charles Condon who gave his support of a bill that would let libraries in the state filter the Internet without having to deal with first amendment issues.

\”Public libraries have no obligation to provide computers or Internet service,\” Condon wrote in a 10-page decision. \”Notwithstanding this fact, however, public libraries have the constitutional right to use filters to remove pornography.\”
\”The attorney general\’s opinion was requested by state Sen. Mike Fair, R-Greenville, who has proposed a bill mandating that libraries use online filtering software.

The legislation was sparked by the Greenville County Library Board\’s refusal to install the protective software on computers.

The use of filtering software to block adult Web sites in the nation\’s libraries has pitted free-speech advocates against those wanting to shield children from the seamier side of the Internet.

The bill, which is being considered by a legislative subcommittee, would remove legal protections South Carolina libraries have enjoyed since a 1991 state law prohibited giving minors access to pornography. The parents of children who see pornography on the Internet in the library could file an incident report with the local prosecutor, who then would decide whether to bring the case to a grand jury. \”