Obsessing over our image

Someone suggested yet another article on the \”Librarian Image\” thing. In a profession obsessed with its image, it wasn\’t like we needed another site that talks about the image of the librarian, so I was less than interested, but This one was really interesting. This Article at Imapct does a great job looking at all the different librarian sites around the net. It covers all the classics, belly dancing, tatoos, worship a librarian, Librarian.net, etc.. but goes in depth on the images, and other sites. A very interesting read. Includes 45 references!

\”So where should the image-obsessed, web-surfing library professional begin? A quick search on Alta Vista for
\’librarian*\’ will uncover over a million hits . It is the intention of this article to give some pointers to interesting
sites and useful gateways, and to explore what types of \’image sources\’ and \’image representations\’ are
available in cyberspace.\”

Someone suggested yet another article on the \”Librarian Image\” thing. In a profession obsessed with its image, it wasn\’t like we needed another site that talks about the image of the librarian, so I was less than interested, but This one was really interesting. This Article at Imapct does a great job looking at all the different librarian sites around the net. It covers all the classics, belly dancing, tatoos, worship a librarian, Librarian.net, etc.. but goes in depth on the images, and other sites. A very interesting read. Includes 45 references!

\”So where should the image-obsessed, web-surfing library professional begin? A quick search on Alta Vista for
\’librarian*\’ will uncover over a million hits . It is the intention of this article to give some pointers to interesting
sites and useful gateways, and to explore what types of \’image sources\’ and \’image representations\’ are
available in cyberspace.\”
From the article

have a reputation. No, not as a naked, tattooed, belly-dancing librarian into facial decoration (well, a boy has
got to have some secrets!). I have a reputation as someone ever so slightly obsessed with the image of our

One of the key benefits of this reputation is that
friends – and strangers – are always willing to give
me fresh examples of (usually quite appalling)
representations of libraries and library workers in
the popular media. Work colleagues can always be
relied upon to inform me of relevant programmes I
might have missed from last night\’s television, or to
cram clippings from newspapers I would never
normally read into my pigeon hole. (I once even
received a copy of the Daily Express from one
anonymous donor.) And strangers? The Library
World is such a wonderful community that if you
write an article on the image of librarianship, you
always (he hinted with hope!) get sent examples of
good, bad and ugly librarians from the stage, screen
and literature, within a week of publication.