National Digital Library for Science Education has a
very interesting Story on building a digital
library for science education, and why it is such a good

\”Building on the demonstrated power of the
World Wide Web while addressing its shortcomings, a
national digital library for science education has
tremendous potential to improve the best science
education and to help the very best science education
reach all students. The development of NDLSE can
provide a fertile matrix in support of this twin promise by has a
very interesting Story on building a digital
library for science education, and why it is such a good

\”Building on the demonstrated power of the
World Wide Web while addressing its shortcomings, a
national digital library for science education has
tremendous potential to improve the best science
education and to help the very best science education
reach all students. The development of NDLSE can
provide a fertile matrix in support of this twin promise by
emphasizing mechanisms that help humans bound by
24 hour days and seven day weeks take advantage of
the proliferation of digital resources;

* emphasizing ease-of-use, reliability, stability,
interoperability, and reusability;

* providing an open, distributed, federated architecture
linking collections provided and maintained by a strong
and diverse collection of institutions; and

* supporting a range of economic and intellectual
property rights models.