eBooks and immediate gratification

Recent blogs about the Kindle and library eBooks have sparked interesting comments from library users and non-users, showing new perceptions of libraries and eBooks. Check out ”Will Kindle ever add support for library books?” at Stephen’s Lighthouse and the Kindle Blog for more details. Libraries are constantly battling the perception of library obsolescence, and the comments in these blogs are no exception.

There seems to be some new elements to the library obsolescence myth, which generally refers to the misconception that libraries can be replaced by the Internet. A new perception of users and non-users is that library eBook selections are paltry. This impression is actually true for many libraries, because libraries have had many years to build their print and AV collections, and have only recently started building eBook collections in the last few years. It is going to take time for libraries to build up their eBook collections to equal their print collection levels, keeping in mind that libraries continue to serve print and AV users, and library collection budgets are spread across electronic, print, audiobook, DVD and music formats.

Full blog post at the Digital Library Blog (OverDrive)