2/3 of Utah libraries filter the web

The Salt Lake Tribune has this article on the filtering situation in Utah. They don\’t mess around out there.

\”It won\’t be hard for libraries to satisfy a new Utah law requiring them to keep children from using library computers to peep at the Internet\’s dark side.
That\’s because most libraries already are doing so, says State Librarian Amy Owen.
An informal survey conducted by Owen\’s office last fall showed all but two libraries already had policies restricting Internet access — and those two were in the process of writing them. One library, Rich County\’s, did not provide Internet access to patrons.\”

The Salt Lake Tribune has this article on the filtering situation in Utah. They don\’t mess around out there.

\”It won\’t be hard for libraries to satisfy a new Utah law requiring them to keep children from using library computers to peep at the Internet\’s dark side.
That\’s because most libraries already are doing so, says State Librarian Amy Owen.
An informal survey conducted by Owen\’s office last fall showed all but two libraries already had policies restricting Internet access — and those two were in the process of writing them. One library, Rich County\’s, did not provide Internet access to patrons.\”

\”House Bill 157 gives public libraries that receive state funding until July 2001 to adopt policies to keep children from viewing Internet obscenity.
Chief Deputy Attorney General Reed Richards told librarians Thursday at the Utah Library Association meeting in Ogden that they should heed the law or face more onerous legislative mandates.
Richards and Salt Lake County Commissioner Mark Shurtleff spoke to several hundred librarians about the Internet. Richards is the Democratic nominee for attorney general, and Shurtleff will face Frank Mylar in the Republican primary for the same office.
Many libraries use filters, which prevent the viewing of certain Web pages, game-playing, e-mail and chat-room use. But filters are not perfect. Innocent Web sites also are blocked and some bad sites slip through, warned Shurtleff and Richards.\”